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Monday, July 19, 2010

Change in plans...

I've decided that since I probably won't get a whole lot of followers anyways, I should probably not limit my audience to Atheists. Plus, everyone has heard the same points time and time again. Not to say I won't occasionally direct my attention to those topics but I don't want to get myself into a corner. I've also come to realize that Atheist blogs sometimes suck because instead of drawing in smart people, they draw in religious fundamentalists that spam the crap out of their pages with unfounded rhetoric. Maybe when I get back to studying philosophy full-time I'll be more inspired to go that way but for the meantime I might as well just post about random nonsense. Good news, I'll be transplanting Chris Murray quotes of the week here from Facebook. For those of you who don't know, my brother has a knack of saying hilarious and/or offensive things without trying to and I think he deserves a spot here.

Also, I'd like to note that I have no idea how to write a good blog so my strategy is to just write whatever with no particular organization.

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