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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Why Atheism blogs have readers.

One of the great things about being an atheist is that you can start a crappy blog and a bunch of reasonable, confused teenagers trying to figure out what they believe will undoubtedly google "The pros of atheism" to help them decide whether they want to be full-blown atheists, agnostics (or as I like to call them, atheists without balls), or if they want to put a jihad on the infidels. This search will undoubtedly lead them to several wikipedia pages, the league of American atheists, some Richard Dawkins stuff, and some Youtube videos. But after going to like page 1220 or something they will stumble upon this blog and I will gain me some readers. It is from here that I will start my world domination MWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!

So hello to all of you confused teenagers. You have come here for one of many reasons:

a) When you realized the tooth fairy wasn't real you were like "whoa!", when the easter bunny wasn't real you were like "I shoulda seen it coming after the tooth fairy wasn't real but WHOA!" and when you found out Santa Claus wasn't real you were like "those lying bastards!". Then you probably wondered what else wasn't real and a magical man in the sky who controls the weather sounded less plausible all of the sudden.

b) You watched a lot of discovery channel as a kid and learning about evolution was interesting to you and seemed to make sense. Then when you mentioned it at school all the kids yelled at you because they "aint come from no monkeys!". This led you to do further research to prove them wrong.

c) Some tragic thing happened to you. Sorry for your loss. (Note: this can have the opposite effect and drive people towards religion. To avoid this from happening, don't let anybody die.)

...Or a plethora (always wanted to have to type that word) of other reasons. I want to let you know that you have come to the right place. Hopefully over the next while, if I don't get bored of this and decide to abort the blog, I will address the problems facing our moral minority in a hopefully humorous and intelligent way. I love comments and feedback. For instance, let me know if you have a different reason for being a non-believer than the ones stated above. For now,
May the force be with you. Always.


  1. For an atheist your reference to Jedi-ism disturbs me. I am an atheist because if something else was there I could not kill people without afterlife impunity.

  2. Alternatively, If you were a theist the only reason you don't kill people is fear of the afterlife?
