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Monday, July 19, 2010

Dear News Networks...

When there's nothing on I usually watch CNN. *readers snarl* Yes I know it's an American news network but I always find American news more interesting and distressing than Canadian news and compared to Fox news it's pretty good. If I had MSNBC I would probably watch that. Anyways, I find it fun to look out for things that the Daily Show will probably make fun of later in the night. But I digress, the thing that has recently begun to bother me is that twitter has become a source of news for many networks. Not only twitter but also facebook and this stupid iReport thing where people send in their comments. What I would like to say to these networks is that you are evidently lazy and your viewers are mostly stupid. I don't want to hear from them. Also, opinion polls mean nothing. Why do i care what percentage of CNN viewers think that the Oil Spill sucks? WE KNOW IT SUCKS!
So dear news networks, stop going to your viewers for their opinions. You're so obviously trying to eat up time and trying too look more balanced. It's really silly.
I don't know where exactly that's going but it's just something that pisses me off.


  1. "In further news, a large number of bloggers are claiming that major news networks don't inform the public as much as they report on the public's own ignorance. Do you agree? Text your response to the number below!"

  2. Also, isn't it great when you have nothing better to do so you just keep putting up entries?

  3. http://www.xkcd.com/756/
    XKCD manages to kick ass in almost every situation; it's wonderful

    But as to Jon's latter comment, NO, it's NOT great. Because your followers have so much to read that it stresses them out.

    From: Guy who gets stressed out pretty easily, evidently.
