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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Who the Hell is in There?: The Vader-Fett Complex

If I wasn't nerdy enough before, this will do it. Those of you who know me probably know that I'm a huge fan of Star Wars. There's something about the original trilogy and the lore surrounding the Star Wars universe that I can't quite explain, but I just love it. Anyways, I watch the original trilogy quite often (and the new ones from time to time to give me a laugh or a Jar Jar Binks drinking game), and it came to my attention that although we know the voice actors of some of the greatest villains of all time, pretty much nobody knows who the people are inside the costumes. I mean, Darth Vader, voiced by James Earl Jones is probably one of the most well-known characters in all of North American pop culture. And for some reason, despite his meager number of appearances and I'm pretty sure only 3 lines in the whole series, Boba Fett is also one of the most recognizable characters. He has a cult following of sorts.

What I'm trying to get at is that it would kind of suck to be the guy in the Darth Vader or Boba Fett costume. First of all, the pay for an on-screen actor with no lines is really shitty. I mean, you can pretty much be replaced by anyone who has the same build. But the fact is, you're in one of the most influential film series of all time and you're in all of these awesome scenes and nobody except maybe your mom knows that it's you. It might be cool to be able to say to yourself, "Wow, I'm fuckin' Darth Vader." but when you go to tell other people, nobody would believe you. And it isn't even the same as with R2-D2 or C-3PO, or Chewbacca. The guy inside C-3PO at least does the voice, and you can at least believe it when a 7-foot tall guy tells you that he's Chewbacca or a little person tells you that they're R2-D2. But poor Darth Vader and Boba Fett. Forced to live life in anonymity, their place in history completely unknown. Why does this bother me so much? That's a good question. David Prowse, English body-builder from Bristo...Image via Wikipedia

Anyways, I went and looked up who the fellows in the costumes are, and this post is dedicated to them - English bodybuilder David Prowse (Right) as Darth Vader, and Jeremy Bulloch (Left) as Boba Fett.
May the force be with you guys... always.
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  1. Prowse was pretty tall too. Like 6'6" or something.

  2. Prowse is also famed for being the man servant of the old man attacked in Clockwork Orange. He carries the old man to his wheelchair and answers the door for Alex.
