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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Dear Creationists...

Alright, so I've been reading some hilarious fundamentalist quotes from FSTDT spurred on by this awesome video sent to me by fellow blogger Dye-Go. This stuff always gets me laughing and also angry at the absurdity of the ignorance in the world. So dear creationist, I have a few things to say to you that you will undoubtedly not take to heart:

1. The "Theory" of Evolution as you so enthusiastically insist on emphasizing, may be a "theory" but that doesn't mean that it's close to being wrong. I don't know if you noticed, but the guy who came up with that "Theory" was a whole crapload smarter than you and he lived in the 1860s. Actually, "theories" (scientific ones at least) that last for over a century and have empirical evidence to support them usually have some merit, especially when you can observe living examples of it and have overwhelming acceptance of influential scientists. When bacterium mutate to adapt to antibiotics, that is literal, observable evidence of evolution. It's only really a theory because there's debate over how exactly it happens (and we're pretty sure on that), not whether it happens at all. There are really very few theories that get to become laws anyways. Especially in biology.

2. Scientists don't use big words because they want to confuse you. You're just fucking stupid. Actually, it's to their dismay when you don't understand simple concepts. As much as they try to lay it out for you, you just really refuse to listen. Deoxyribonucleic acid isn't a big word to confuse you, it's the name of a chemical. I won't even humor you with explaining why not all acids dissolve things.

3. LISTEN!!! Like, holy shit, when an "evolutionist" tries to explain something, try to just listen. Hear them out. It's not that complicated. I love the question: "If humans really did evolve from monkeys, how come babies aren't born monkeys?" OR "It took several million years for a monkey to turn into a man? Oh right, monkeys don't live several million years". This is flat out failing to try to grasp a concept altogether. Maybe you should try to just open your ears. Or close one because things just go in one and out the other.

4. It just sounds silly when you say that the earth is only 6 thousand years old. There are cultures that we know were around for well past that time, let alone all the other sheer overwhelming evidence from the fossil record. Why does it sound more likely to you that a magical man in the sky put rocks and carbon dating there to test your faith than that the earth is just really old. It's not even that damning to your religion. I mean if people are able to believe the magical man in the sky thing, I'm pretty sure they'll be cool with the earth being old thing.

I have some more stuff to say so there might eventually be a part 2 to this post. I feel ranty today.


  1. At least I can respect the religious people who have somehow managed to believe in creationism without discounting evolutionism. "Who's to say God's 7 days are the same length as ours?" being their odd rationalization. Whatever works for you. At least it's better than "LA-LA-LA-I'M-NOT-LISTENING!!!"

  2. I like it when Christians don't take the Bible literally, and realise that it was written at a time pretty much before science. The ones who are like, "Seven days? Adam & Eve? Those are just stories. Evolution? God did that."
    Sure, some people still violently hate these people, but I say that if they can accept evolution, just leave them alone.
